We are committed to all levels of Open Science, including the sharing of primary research data - PsyCourse is open to collaboration with research scientists all over the world! .
While we would explicitly like to foster scientific collaboration and Data Sharing, we are bound to the informed consent of the participants of the PsyCourse study.
Due to the sensitive nature of both genetic and high-dimensional phenotype data, these can only be made available to other researchers for specific purposes.
We have thus implemented a procedure that requires collaborators to submit a proposal that has to be evaluated by a panel of experts before data can be obtained from us.
The purpose of these proposals is to..
..document ongoing and past research projects
..avoid overlap between newly proposed and existing projects
..establish a written agreement between researchers
..act as a form of preregistration
Submitting a proposal to obtain PsyCourse data requires the following steps, that must be followed in the required order:
1. Leading PI(s) establish an initial contact with Thomas G. Schulze.
2. Please download and fill in the current proposal template.
3. Details of the collected phenotypic variables and study design can be found in the latest version of the PsyCourse Codebook (Repository Open Data LMU). Corrections to the codebook (and data, if applicable), will also be posted in this repository. (Older versions of the codebook can be found in our publications list). People working with PsyCourse data should check the respository regularly to be informed about possible corrections.
You can download a list of all variable names contained in the current PsyCourse dataset in wide format or long format (definition of formatting here).
4. Applicant(s) are obliged to sign the completed document befor sending it to our proposal team (please urgently add also the original Word file). A proposal sent to any other email address can not not be considered.
5. The proposal will be reviewed by a panel of experts and feedback will be send out after review of the proposal. This may take a few weeks. The feedback will be one of the following:
i. Accepted
ii. Revisions needed
iii. Rejected
The data will be made available as soon as the proposal is accepted.
As detailed in the proposal, we reserve the right to revoke the proposal if there is suspicion of scientific misconduct, or when research is not progressing after a reasonable amount of time.